Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The need and the greed


Most of us think that a person does something illegal because of necessity but it’s not because of need but because of greed we do so.
Someone might say that he is stealing because he has to fill his stomach, but it’s not true .The truth is that he is stealing because he wants to eat good food. It’s not the need it’s the greed.
In examination this theory can be seen clearly. Those people cheat more who just want to score better marks than the person who just need some marks to pass.
So we see that doing a crime because of greed is more common than doing a crime because of necessity.
Now why this thing happens, this is mainly because of the level of satisfaction, which differs from person to person .The level at which a greedy person satisfies is much higher than the level at which a needy person satisfies.
This situation is similar to the situation in which the desire of making 20 more runs by a batsman batting on 80 to complete his 50th century is more than the desire of making same 20 runs by a new batsman batting on 20 – 25 to fix his position in the team.
While doing a certain task, a person calculates the amount of work left and compares it with the amount of work done. Now if the amount of work to be done is more than the amount of work already done then the desire of completing the work is not much but when the amount of work to be done is less than the amount of work already done then the desire to complete the work is high. Now, as desire is the root cause of all evil, this desire gives birth to greed which makes the person do whatever possible, legal or illegal to complete the task.
So it’s not the need, it’s the greed which is responsible for most of the criminal acts occurring in this world.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


If you have accidentally fallen in love u might find a purpose in life , but if u have purposely fallen in love you will definitely find an accident in life.